Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Verilog Datatypes & Operators: Unit 2


·        1 signifies the 1 or high or true level

·        0 signifies the 0 or low or false level.

  • Two additional levels are also possible – designated as x and z.
  • Here x represents an unknown or an uninitialized value. This corresponds to the don’t-care case in logic circuits.
  •  z represents/signifies a high impedance state. This is possible when a signal line is tri-stated or left floating.


A value in a digital system can basically be represented either as net or variable in Verilog. The data handled in Verilog fall into two categories

o   Net data type

o   Variable data type

Data type of each variable or signal has to be declared prior to its use.


1.     NET :

·        The net data type is specific for connecting two elements.

·        The most important net data type is wire. 

·        As the name implies, this data type acts simply as a wire connecting two elements.

·        Such a net carries the value of the signal it is connected to and transmits to the circuit blocks connected to it.

·        If the driving end of a net is left floating, the net goes to the high impedance state.

·        A net can be specified in different ways.

o   wire: It represents a simple wire doing an interconnection. Only one output is connected to a wire and is driven by that.

o   tri: It represents a simple signal line as a wire. Unlike the wire, a tri can be driven by more than one signal outputs.


2.     VARIABLE :

·        A variable is an abstraction for a storage device.

·        The variable data type can be used to represent generated data till it changes.

·        It can be declared through the keyword reg and stores the value of a logic level: 0, 1, x, or z.

·        A net or wire connected to a reg takes on the value stored in the reg and can be used as input to other circuit elements.

·        But the output of a circuit cannot be connected to a reg. The value stored in a reg is changed through a fresh assignment in the program.

·        Useful variable data types are time, integer, real, and realtime.

A net or variable data type can get one of four predefined values. These are

§  0 corresponds to logic level zero.

§  1 corresponds to a logic level one.

§  x represents the undefined logic level.

§  z represents high impedance.


Verilog provides constants in addition to variables and nets. Verilog provides three different ways to define constant values, one of which is using `define as in

`define constant_name constant_value

The `define compiler directive replaces 'constant_name with constant_value.

For example:

`define  wordsize 16

 reg       [1: wordsize] data;

causes the string wordsize to be replaced by 16. It then shows how data is declared to be a reg of width wordsize.


Another method to create constants is to use the parameter keyword as follows:

parameter constant_name = constant_value;

For example,

parameter msb = 15;                  // defines msb as a constant value 15

parameter [31:0] decim = 1'b1;              // value converted to 32 bits


Another method to make constants is using localparam.

localparam constant_name = constant_value;

The localparam is similar to the parameter, but it cannot be directly changed. The localparam can be used to define constants that should not be changed.

 Arrays (or) Vector

Arrays in Verilog can be used while modelling the repetition. Digital systems often use memory arrays. Verilog arrays can be used to create memory arrays and specify the values to be stored in these arrays. In order to use an array in Verilog, we must declare the array upper and lower bound. There are two positions to declare the array bounds:

     In one option, the array bounds are declared between the variable type (reg or net) and the variable name, and the array bound means the number of bits for the declared variable. If the array bound is defined as [7:0] as shown in the following example,

reg [7:0] eight_bit_register;

the register variable eight_bit_register can store one byte (eight bits) of information. The 8-bit register can be initialized to hold the value 00000001 using the following statement:

eight_bit_register 5 8'b00000001;

As a second option, array bounds can be declared after the name of the array. In the declaration that follows, rega is an array of n 1-bit registers while regb is a single n-bit register.

reg     rega    [1:n];                     // This is an array of n 1-bit registers

reg     [1:n]   regb;                      // This is an n-bit register

We can define multiple 8-bit registers in one array declaration. In this case, additional upper and lower bound(s) must be declared after the name of the array. In the example that follows, 16 registers are declared; each register can store one-byte (8-bit) vector information.

reg     [7:0]  eight_bit_register_array [15:0];

The foregoing declaration means that each of the 16 variables in the array can have 8-bit vector information. This array can be initialized as follows:

eight_bit_register_array[15]      = 8'b00001100;

eight_bit_register_array[14]      = 8'b00000000;

. . . . . . . .

eight_bit_register_array[1]  = 8'b11001100;

eight_bit_register_array[0]  = 8'b00010001;


Arrays can be created of various data types. Arrays of wires and integers can be declared as follows:

wire   wire_array  [5:0];            // declares an array of 6 wires

integer        inta    [1:64];          // declares an array of 64 integer values


Multidimensional array types may also be defined with two or more dimensions. The following example defines a 2-dimensional array variable in an initial statement, which is a matrix of integers with four rows and three columns with 8-bit elements:

reg     [7:0]   matrixA       [0:3][0:2] =       { {  1,   2,   3},

   { 4,   5,   6},

   { 7,   8,   9},

            {10, 11, 12} };

The array element matrixA[3][1] references the element in the fourth row and second column, which has a value of 11.


 TestBench file for Basic Vectoroperation in Verilog


Operators in Verilog

An operator, in many ways, is similar to a simple mathematical operator. They receive one or two inputs and generate a single output. Operators enable synthesis tools to choose the desired hardware elements.

We can categorize operators based on:

  1. Number of Operands
  2. Operation

Operators in Verilog based on the number of Operands

Depending on how many operands are used in an expression, operators are classified as:

  1. Unary
  2. Binary
  3. Ternary

Unary operators

Unary operators need only one operand. For example, arithmetic operators for representing sign (+,-), negation operator (!,~), reduction operator (&, |, ~, ^).

 Binary operators

A binary operator requires two operands to perform operations. The majority of the operators available in Verilog requires two operands. Addition, logic operations, multiplication, etc.

Ternary operators

Ternary operators require three operands. For example, conditional operator(? :).

We will look at examples for each of the above in detail as we proceed.

 Operators in Verilog based on Operation

We can also classify operators based on what operation they perform on given data.


Arithmetic operators

This operator is gonna take us to good old school days.

5+2 = 7 // addition

6-4 = 2 // subtraction

2*3 = 6 // multiplication

20/5 = 4 // division

     Arithmetic operators are used to perform basic math calculations. They perform a specific operation on two numeric values and return a single numeric value.

Arithmetic operators play a significant part in describing hardware units such as Arithmetic logic Unit (ALU). Therefore, Verilog has provided us with the following arithmetic operators.


Operator used

Operation performed

a + b



a – b


a * b



a / b



a % b


Modulus(the remainder is given as result)

a ** b



 What about signed numbers?

Verilog also has the provision for representing signed numbers. We use ‘+’ and ‘-‘ to represent positive and negative numbers. In short, ‘+’ and ‘-‘ can be used in both unary and binary forms. Unary is for representing signed numbers and binary for calculations.

//unary arithmetics

-4 // negative number

+5 // positive number

//binary arithmetics

5+4 // addition

6-4 // subtraction

Note: It is advisable to write negative numbers in real or integer format. Since Verilog converts negative numbers into 2’s complement internally, writing in <size>'<base><number> format will yield incorrect result.

-10/5 // yield correct result

- 32'd10/5 // will yield an incorrect result

Now that we have an idea of what arithmetic operators are, we can see how they are used in Verilog using a sample program as an example.

module arithmetic_operations;

reg[7:0] data1;

reg[7:0] data2;



data1 = 45;

data2 = 9;

$display ("add(data1,data2) = %d", data1 + data2)

$display ("subtract(data1,data2) = %d", data1 - data2);

$display ("multiply(data1,data2) = %d", data1 * data2);

$display ("divide(data1,data2) = %d", data1 / data2);

$display ("modulus(data1,data2) = %d", data1 % data2);

$display ("power(data2,2) = %d", data2 ** 2);



Simulation log

add(data1,data2) = 54

subtract(data1,data2) = 36

multiply(data1,data2) = 149

divide(data1,data2) = 5

modulus(data1,data2) = 0

power(data2,2) = 81

Example 1:

Arithmetic Operations on a Constant and Vector in Verilog 

Testbench File for Arithmetic Operations on a Constant and Vector in Verilog

Results: Result of arithmetic operations on a constant and vector in Verilog

    Working principles of arithmetic operations including a constant, we provide the testbench file above. Here, input vector to be processed is taken as 8’h07. Arithmetic operation results are provided (in hexadecimal form) in above Fig. As can be seen in this figure, only the integer part of the division operation is kept. 

example 2:

Arithmetic Operations on Two Eight-bit Vectors in Verilog.

Testbench File for Arithmetic Operations on Two Eight-bit Vectors in Verilog

Result of arithmetic operations on two eight-bit vectors in Verilog.

Logical Operators

Logical operators perform a logical operation on the logical value of the operands and tell you whether it is true or false, i.e., it returns a boolean value. For example:

Let’s say we have to perform logical and operations between 3 (non-zero) and 0 (zero). Hence, Logical value of 3 is true(1) and for 0, it is false(0). Therefore, AND of true and false will give you false (0).

These are the logical operators available in Verilog.





A && B


Logical – and

The result will be 1 (true ) if A and B are true

A || B


Logical – or

The result will be true if either A or B is true



Logical negation

Will convert to zero if A is non-zero or 1 A is   zero or false value

Here’s how Verilog performs logical operations.

module logical_operation;

reg[7:0] A;

reg[7:0] B;

reg[1:0] din1;

reg[1:0] din2;

wire out;



A = 3;


din1 = 2’b0x;

din2 = 2’b10

$display(“logical_AND(A,B)=%b”, A &&B);

// Equivalent to logical-1 && logical-0

$display(“logical_OR(A,B)= %b“, A ||B);

// Equivalent to logical-1 || logical-0

$display(“logical_NOT(A) = %b“, !A);

 // Equivalent to not(logical-1)

$display(“logical_NOT(B) = %b“, !B);

 // Equivalent to not(logical-0)

$display(“logical_AND(din1,din2) = %b“, din1 &&din2);

// Equivalent to ( x && logical-1)

$display(“out = %b“, (A==2)&&(B==3);

// Evaluates 1 if both A=2 and B=3 are true otherwise false.




Simulation log

logical_AND(A,B) = 0

logical_OR(A,B) = 1

logical_NOT(A) = 0

logical_NOT(B) = 1

logical_AND(din1,din2) = x;

out = 0

 Bit-wise Operators

Verilog supports the use of a bit-wise operator. This operator is a bit of an odd cross between a logical operator and an arithmetic operator. They take each bit in one operand and perform the operation with the corresponding bit in the other operand. If one of the operands is shorter than the other, the length will be made the same by adding zeros on the shorter operand. It’s a bit confusing. Check out the example below.

For example: bitwise AND of a = 3(11) and b=2 (00). Bitwise AND is similar to concatenating a[1] & b[1] and a[0] & b[0]  which gives a result 00.

We will get a better understanding when we go through the simulated output of this code.

module bitwise_logical_operations;

reg[3:0] X, Y, Z;






 $display (“~X = %b“, ~X); // Negation

$display (“X & Y = %b“, X & Y); // Bitwise AND

$display (“X | Y = %b“, X | Y); // Bitwise OR

$display (“X ^ Y = %b“, X ^ Y); // Bitwise XOR

$display (“X ^~ Y = %b“, X ^~ Y); // Bitwise XNOR

$display (“X & Z = %b“, X & Z); // Bitwise AND



Simulation log

~X = 0101

X & Y = 1000

X | Y = 1111

X ^ Y = 0111

X ^~ Y = 1000

X & Z = 10x0

 Reduction Operators

    Unlike logical and bitwise logical operators, the Reduction operator is a unary operator. This operand is useful for converting a multi-bit vector into a single bit scalar value. It performs bit by bit logical operation on the vector operand and returns a boolean value.

For example,

&(1011) = 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 = 0 // reduction SWand of 1011

Verilog has provided us with the following types of reduction operators.






Performs bitwise AND operation on A



Performs bitwise OR operation on A



Performs bitwise XOR operation on A

Note: reduction NAND, reduction NOR and reduction XNOR are performed by inverting results of reduction AND, reduction OR and reduction NOT respectively.


Here’s the code for understanding how reduction operator is described in Verilog

module reduction_operators;

reg[5:0] X;



X = 4'b1010;

$display ("&X = %b", &X);

$display ("|X = %b", |X);

$display ("^X= %b", ^X);

$display("~^X = %b", ~(^X)); //XNOR of X



Simulation log

&X = 0

|X = 1

^X= 0

~^X = 0

 Difference between logical, bitwise logical, and reduction operators?


Bitwise logical


Binary operator (except negation)

Binary operator (except negation)

Unary operator

Returns a 1-bit Boolean value

The return value is of the same size as the operands

Returns a 1-bit Boolean value

Evaluate the logical values of the operands and then perform a logical operation.

Performs a logical operation on each bit of operand with the corresponding bit of other operands

Evaluate each bit of vector operand and convert it into a scalar by performing a logical operation.

In short, even though the functionalities look similar, there is a difference in how the above operators perform on the operands.

Relational operators

If we want to check the relation between the given operands, then we use relational operators. Relational operators test the relation between operands and return a 1 or 0.






< (greater than)

Returns 1 if a is greater than b


< (less than)

Returns 1 if a is less than b


<= (less than or equal to)

Returns 1 if a is either less than or equal to b


>= (greater than or equal to)

Returns 1 if a is either greater than or equal to b

An example code will help us to understand how relational operators work in Verilog.

module relational_operation;

reg[7:0] A;

reg[7:0] B;

reg[5:0] X;

reg[5:0] Y;

reg[5:0] Z;



A = 3;


X = 4’b1010;

Y = 4’b1101;

Z = 4’b1xxx;

$display(“Is A less than or equal to B = %b”, A<=B);

$display(“Is A greater than B = %b”, A>B);

$display(“Is Y greater than or equal to X = %b”, Y>=X);

$display(“Is A less than or equal to B = %b”, A<=B);

$display(“Is Y less than Z = %b”, Y<Z);




Simulation log

Is A less than or equal to B = 1

Is A greater than B = 0

Is A less than or equal to X = 1

Is Y less than Z = x

Equality Operator

Like Relational operators, Equality operators are also used for relation checking. These operators test whether the operands are the same or not. They return 1 if both the operands are the same and 0 if they are not.

A list of equality operators in Verilog is given below.




A = = B

= =

A equal to B, the result is unknown if a or b has z(high impedance) or x(unknown)

A != B

! =

A not equal to B, the result is unknown if a or b has z(high impedance) or x(unknown)

A = = = B

= = =

A equal to B including x(unknown) and z(high impedance)

A ! = = B

! = =

A not equal to B including x(unknown) and z(high impedance)

As per the table, we can see that there are two types of equality operators:

  • Logical Equality (==,!==): In this case, if one of the operand bits has an x(unknown) or z(high impedance), the resultant will be x.
  • Case Equality (===,!===): Here, the x(unknown) and z(high impedance) in operand bits are included during the comparison. So the result will be either true (1) or false (0).

Let’s see how Verilog performs equality operation with the help of the code below:

module equality_operators;

reg[7:0] A;

reg[7:0] B;

reg[5:0] M;

reg[5:0] N;

reg[5:0] X;

reg[5:0] Y;

reg[5:0] Z;



A = 3;


X = 4’b1010;

Y = 4’b1101;

Z = 4’b1010;

M = 4’b1xxz;

N = 4’b1xxx;


$display (“Is A equal to B = %b”, A == B);

$display (“Is X not equal to Y = %b”, X != Y);

$display (“Is A equal to B = %b”, A == B)

$display (“Is Z equal to M = %b”, Z === M);

$display (“Is Z equal to N = %b”, Z === N)

$display (“Is M not equal to N = %b”, M !== N);



Simulation log

Is A equal to B = 0

Is X not equal to Y = 1

Is A equal to B = 0

Is Z equal to M = 0

Is Z equal to N = 0

Is M not equal to N = 1

Shift Operators

Shift operators are used to shift data in a variable. This operator is essential for modelling hardware elements like shift registers, shift and add multipliers, etc.

There are two types of shift operations:

Logical Shift

  • Left Logical Shift of one position moves each bit to the left by one. The vacant least significant bit (LSB) is filled with zero and the most significant bit (MSB) is discarded.
  • Right Logical Shift of one position moves each bit to the right by one. The least significant bit is discarded and the vacant MSB is filled with zero.
Fig. 1 Logical Shift by one bit

Fig. 1 Logical Shift by one bit

Arithmetic Shift

  • Left Arithmetic Shift of one position moves each bit to the left by one. The vacant least significant bit (LSB) is filled with zero and the most significant bit (MSB) is discarded. It is identical to Left Logical Shift.
  • Right Arithmetic Shift of one position moves each bit to the right by one. The least significant bit is discarded and the vacant MSB is filled with the value of the previous (now shifted one position to the right) MSB.

Fig. 1 Left and Right Arithmetic Shift by One Bit

Fig. 1 Left and Right Arithmetic Shift by One Bit

Arithmetic Shift operations can be used for dividing or multiplying an integer variable.

  • The shift operators provided in Verilog are:




Right shift


Left Shift


Arithmetic Right Shift


Arithmetic Left shift

We will be able to gain a clear understanding of how a shift operator works in Verilog from the below code:

module shift_operators;

reg [3:0] var1 = 4'b1000;

reg signed [3:0] var2 = 4'b1000




//left shift

$display("%b", var1 <<  1);

$display("%b", $signed(var1) <<< 1); // Cast as signed

$display("%b", var2 <<< 1);          // Declared as signed type


 // Right Shift

$display("%b", var1 >>  2);

$display("%b", $signed(var1) >>> 2); // Cast as signed

$display("%b", var2 >>> 2) ;         // Declared as signed type



Simulation log







 Concatenation Operators

Concatenation operators are used to join different bits of data into one. Concatenations are expressed using the brace characters { }, with commas separating the expressions within.

We will get a better understanding of the working of the concatenation operator from the simulated output of the code below.

module concatenation_operator;

reg A;

reg[1:0] B, C;

reg[2:0] D;



A = 1'b1;

B= 2'b00;

C = 2'b10;

D = 3'b110;

$display ("concatenation(B,C) = %b", {B,C});

 // two 2 bits joined to form 4 bit number

$display ("concatenation(A,B,C,D,3'b001) = %b", {A,B,C,D,3'b001});

$display ("concatenation(A,B[0],C[1]) = %b", {A,B[0],C[1]});




Simulation log

concatenation(B,C) = 0010

concatenation(A,B,C,D,3'b001) = 10010110001

concatenation(A,B[0],C[1]) = 101

 Replication operator

The replication operator is used to replicate a group of bits n times. It takes the format {n{m}}, where n indicates replication multiplier i.e., how many times m should be repeated.

For example, in {3{2’b01}} 3 is the repetition multiplier and 2’b01 is what will be replicated 3 times.

It is important to note that the repetition multiplier must be a constant.

Look at the Verilog code and simulated output below to see how the replication operator works.

module replication_operator;

reg A;

reg[1:0] B, C;

reg[2:0] D;

wire Y;



A = 1'b1;

B= 2'b00;

C = 2'b10;

D = 3'b110;

$display ("replicating A = %b", {4{A}});

$display ("replicating A and B = %b", {{4{A}},{2{B}}});

$display ("replicating A,B,C = %b", {{4{A}},{2{B}},{C}});



Simulation log

replicating A = 1111

replicating A and B = 11110000

replicating A,B,C = 1111000010

example: Concatenation and Replication Operations in Verilog

Testbench File for Concatenation and Replication Operations in Verilog

Result of concatenation and replication operations in Verilog

Conditional Operator

The conditional operator selects an expression for evaluation depending on the value of the condition.


If the condition is evaluated as false (or zero value), then false_expression is evaluated and used as a result of an entire expression.

For example

assign out = enable?data1:data2;

The above statement means that out will be assigned data1 if enable is true(1) or zero if enable is false(0).

Verilog makes use of the conditional operator in order to build tri-state buffers and multiplexers.

Let’s see how the conditional operator can be used practically.

module conditional;

reg  check = 1'b1;

wire out;

assign out = check  ? 1'b1  : 1'b0;




$display("OUTPUT: %s", check ? "HI THERE" : "POTATO");

$display("Value of out: %b", out);

$display("%h", (10 > 5) ? 16'hABCD : 16'h1234);

$display("%s", (1 == 1) ? "YES, ONE EQUALS ONE" : "HOW DID YOU GET HERE");



Simulation log


 Value of out: 1



 Operator Precedence in Verilog

We have discussed the different operators that we can use in Verilog. Is it possible to use multiple operators in a single expression?  Undoubtedly, yes. Then how do we choose which operation to perform first?

That is when the operator precedence table comes to play.

This table describes the order in which the operators are executed.



Operator Symbols



Multiply Divide, Modulus

+ – ! ~

* / %

Add Subtract


+ –

<< >>



< <= > >=

== !== === !===





& ~&

^ ^~

| ~|






For example:

A && B || C && D

// same as (A && B) || (C&&D) expression in parenthesis evaluated first

But, it is better to use brackets rather than depending entirely on the precedence of operators. This will ensure the readability of the expression and correctness of the result.

Tabular summary

So, we have gone through all the operators that Verilog has provided. Let’s summarize the operators that we have learned.


Operator Type

Operator Symbol

Operation performed

Number of operands





















Logical negation



Logical and



Logical or



Logical xor




Greater than



Less than



Greater than or equal to



Less than or equal to










Case equality



Case inequality




Bit-wise negation



Bit-wise and



Bit-wise or



Bit-wise xor



Bit-wise xnor




Reduction and



Reduction nand



Reduction or



Reduction nor



Reduction xor



Reduction xnor




Right shift



Left shift



Arithmetic right shift



Arithmetic left shift





Any number




Any number






Application on Data Types and Operators

Here we will construct a primitive calculator to add, subtract, multiply, and divide two four-bit numbers on the Basys3 board. Input bits and the operation type is represented by switches on the board. Output bit values are represented by LEDs on the board, Verilog description of the calculator.

Enforcing Vivado to Use DSP Block in Arithmetic Operations in Verilog

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