linked list
- Explain the insertion operation in linked list. How nodes are inserted after a specified node?
- Define ADT and Mention the features of ADT.
- Discuss the merge operation in circular linked lists.
- When doubly linked list can be represented as circular linked list? Mention the merits and demerits of linked list.
- What are the postfix and prefix forms of the given below expression? A+B*(CD)/(P-R)
- List three examples that uses linked list. What are the merits and demerits of array implementation of lists?
- Convert the infix (a+b)*(c+d)/f into postfix & prefix expression
- What are the draw backs of single linked list? Write and explain the algorithm for search and modify operations in doubly linked list with example.
- Write a program to reverse the given single linked list with starting node as ‘head’.
- Write a program to implement stack using linked list.
- Write a program to insert, delete and print the elements using doubly linked list.
- Explain how to find whether the single linked list contains a loop?
- Write a pseudo code for it. Assume the single linked list is having initial node as ‘head’.
- What are the operations of Circular linked list? List its applications in computer science.
- Write a program to reverse the given single linked list with starting node as ‘head’.
- Write an algorithm to delete an element anywhere from double linked list.
- Explain the operations on single linked lisT
- Write the routine to insert an element into a queue. Write the routine for insertion operation of singly linked list
- A circular queue has a size of 5 and has 3 elements 10,20 and 40 where F=2 and R=4. After inserting 50 and 60, what is the value of F and R. Trying to insert 30 at this stage what happens? Delete 2 elements from the queue and insert 70, 80 & 90.Explain and also show the sequence of steps with necessary diagrams with the value of F & R
- What is a DeQueue? Explain its operation with example
- What are the limitations of queue? Explain the algorithms for various operations of circular queue
- What are the applications of queue? Write a routine for IsEmpty condition of queue.
- What are enqueue and dequeue operations?
- Write a program to implement queue using linked list
- Explain how can we find the number of nodes in a single linked list? Write a pseudo code for it.
- Write a program to implement queue using arrays.
- What is a queue? Write an algorithm for implementing queue using linked list
- Mention any four applications of stack.
- Define an efficient representation of two stacks in a given area of memory with n words and explain
- What are the features of stacks?
- Explain the usage of stack in recursive algorithm implementation?
- What are the operations of stack? List its applications in computer science.
- How can we find the address of a second node from the end in a single linked list? Write pseudo code for it.
- What are the operations of Queue? List its applications in computer science. Write a program.
- Write a program to implement single linked list with starting node as ‘head’.
- Write a program to insert an element into a single linked list by considering all the possible cases.
- What is a stack? Explain how it can be useful in evaluating expressions with suitable examples
- Write a program to implement stack using arrays.
- Explain the stack data structure with suitable example. Give algorithms FOR Push, Pop operations
- Compare full and complete binary tree with examples.Compare linear search and binary search. SOLUTION
- Construct a binary search tree with the following elements and determine its height. 15, 84, 7, 91, 3, 6, 41, 1, 25, 21, 32, 37, 45, 5, 9 SOLUTION
- Explain how a node with both the children can be deleted from a binary search tree with suitable examples. SOLUTION
- Explain the Four Rotations used to convert an unbalanced BST into Balanced AVL Tree. SOLUTION
- Construct a B-Tree of order 5 with the following elements.37, 15, 19, 21, 62, 77, 99, 52, 85, 94, 65, 74, 84, 121 SOLUTION
- Construct the Red-Black Tree for the set of data values {10, 18, 7, 15, 16, 30} and also mention the step-by-step procedure. SOLUTION
- What is priority Queue? How can priority queues can be implemented? Explain in brief SOLUTION
What is a Splay tree? How it is different from binary search tree? List any two applications of splay trees. SOLUTION1 SOLUTION2
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